Principal Mohan Lal , Wisdom School

Vision - Mission & Motto

School Infrastructure

School Infrastructure

School Infrastructure

At PR. Mohan Lal Wisdom School, Nagri- we understand that
each child develops differently and for that we provide our young
learners with the ideal learning environment where they are not limited by anything in their endeavors to learn. Our school infrastructure is designed to maximize the potential of every student to learn, reduce
distractions, enhance focus and remove any form of discomfort or

Spacious classrooms, specially designed furniture, well-equipped first-aid facility, safe transportation, playground and well-equipped Science and Computer Labs of the school add to its richness in education and comfort.

School provides an opportunity for students to showcase and polish their skills, strategic thinking, leadership quality and even aid them to learn discipline.

The school provides platform for various indoor and outdoor games and sports activities promoting training in Cricket, Football, Lawn Tennis, Table Tennis, Gymnastics, Skating, Boxing, Swimming etc. The school has all required facilities for the same.

In a nutshell, PR. Mohan Lal Wisdom School, Nagri aims at giving the students a chance of global learning and ensuring their all-round development to make them successful both in and outside the classroom.

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